【问】 (1) When one ant wants food from another,it taps gently on the other’s head with itsfeelers,using a kind of telegraph code. (《高中英语》) (一),P. 202)[原译]当一只蚂蚁向另一只蚂蚁要食物时,它使用一种电码,用触须轻敲对方的头部。(教参)(2) Clusters o......(本文共 2027 字) [阅读本文] >>
 【问】 (1) When one ant wants food from another,it taps gently on the other’s head with itsfeelers,using a kind of telegraph code. (《高中英语》) (一),P. 202)[原译]当一只蚂蚁向另一只蚂蚁要食物时,它使用一种电码,用触须轻敲对方的头部。(教参)(2) Clusters o......(本文共 2027 字) [阅读本文] >>