adv ① completely 完全地:It`s ~ impossible. 那是绝对不可能的。/He was ~ absorbed in a book. 他全神贯注于一本书。 ② [colloq] [in answer to a question, or as a comment] quite so; certainly [口] [作为对问题的回答或评语] 十分地;当然:“Do yo......(本文共 343 字) [阅读本文] >>
 adv ① completely 完全地:It`s ~ impossible. 那是绝对不可能的。/He was ~ absorbed in a book. 他全神贯注于一本书。 ② [colloq] [in answer to a question, or as a comment] quite so; certainly [口] [作为对问题的回答或评语] 十分地;当然:“Do yo......(本文共 343 字) [阅读本文] >>