vt do; succeed in doing; complete 做;做成功;完成:Can you ~ the work in a month?你能在1个月之内完成这件工作吗?/~ the whole task at one stroke 毕其功于一役/Did you ~ your purpose?你的目的达到了吗?/A deed is ~ed through taking thought. 行成于思。/unable......(本文共 245 字) [阅读本文] >>
 vt do; succeed in doing; complete 做;做成功;完成:Can you ~ the work in a month?你能在1个月之内完成这件工作吗?/~ the whole task at one stroke 毕其功于一役/Did you ~ your purpose?你的目的达到了吗?/A deed is ~ed through taking thought. 行成于思。/unable......(本文共 245 字) [阅读本文] >>