n. 1. 警报(声):give the~报警,告急 / raise the~报警,告急 / sound an~发出警报 / an air-raid-~空袭警报 / give a false~误发警报,引起虚惊 2. (常作alarum)嘈杂声 ‖ The whole village heard the~.全村都听到了警报。 / Only one fire company responded to th......(本文共 324 字) [阅读本文] >>
 n. 1. 警报(声):give the~报警,告急 / raise the~报警,告急 / sound an~发出警报 / an air-raid-~空袭警报 / give a false~误发警报,引起虚惊 2. (常作alarum)嘈杂声 ‖ The whole village heard the~.全村都听到了警报。 / Only one fire company responded to th......(本文共 324 字) [阅读本文] >>