n. 1.(作战时的)呐喊(声),喊杀声 2. 战斗口号,口号(〈近〉 warrison, whoop, rebel yell):raise the~发出作战助威杀声;高声喊杀 / air-rending battle cries杀声连天 / the~of freedom 自由的战斗口号 / wave flags and shout battle cries摇旗呐喊 ‖ The roll of dr......(本文共 469 字) [阅读本文] >>
 n. 1.(作战时的)呐喊(声),喊杀声 2. 战斗口号,口号(〈近〉 warrison, whoop, rebel yell):raise the~发出作战助威杀声;高声喊杀 / air-rending battle cries杀声连天 / the~of freedom 自由的战斗口号 / wave flags and shout battle cries摇旗呐喊 ‖ The roll of dr......(本文共 469 字) [阅读本文] >>