n. ①加入 (后面用介词 to) / More foreign investors will join China’s stock markets after its accession to the WTO. /在加入 WTO 之后,更多的外国投资者将要加入中国的证券市场。/② 就职; 登基; (权力等的)获得 / On his accession to the throne,he inherited vast e......(本文共 678 字) [阅读本文] >>
 n. ①加入 (后面用介词 to) / More foreign investors will join China’s stock markets after its accession to the WTO. /在加入 WTO 之后,更多的外国投资者将要加入中国的证券市场。/② 就职; 登基; (权力等的)获得 / On his accession to the throne,he inherited vast e......(本文共 678 字) [阅读本文] >>