以上各词均有抑制、克制的词义。1.abstain意为“戒除;禁绝”,是指克制自己的某种放纵行为或不良行动,例如戒除吸烟饮酒,禁绝不良行动、不良习惯等。本词可与from连用。‖They abstain from speaking ill of others behind their backs,for it is a ba...[继续阅读]
以上各词均有抑制、克制的词义。1.abstain意为“戒除;禁绝”,是指克制自己的某种放纵行为或不良行动,例如戒除吸烟饮酒,禁绝不良行动、不良习惯等。本词可与from连用。‖They abstain from speaking ill of others behind their backs,for it is a ba...[继续阅读]
用作形容词,意为“抽象的”(与concrete“具体的”相对)。‖Concrete tasks should be directed by abstract theory so as not to lose direction.具体的工作需要抽象的理论作指导,以免迷失方向。...[继续阅读]
1.用作动词,意为“提炼;引出”。‖Iron and steel workers abstract crude iron from iron ore and make steel from crude iron.钢铁工人们从铁矿石中提炼生铁,然后再把生铁炼成钢。2.用作名词,意为“(文章、书籍等的)摘要”。‖This is the abstract of Shakespe...[继续阅读]
用作形容词,意为“荒谬的;可笑的”。‖It is absurd that a mathematician like him even cannot solve such a simple equation.像他这样一位数学家竟然连这么简单的方程式都不会解,真是可笑。...[继续阅读]
以上各词均为形容词,意为“荒谬的,不合理的”。1.absurd意为“荒谬的;可笑的”,用来形容与常识或理性明显违背或非常怪诞的言论、行为、动作、现象等。‖A learned man like him actually made such an absurd suggestion.像他这样有学问的人竟然...[继续阅读]
用作形容词,指数量充足,意为“丰富的;充裕的”(本词与in连用)。‖Our country is vast in territory and abundant in resources,and our people are abundant in food and clothing.我们国家地大物博,我国人民丰衣足食。...[继续阅读]
用作及物动词,不及物动词。1.接受(别人的邀请、礼物、意见等)。‖We have accepted our friend’s invitation and prepared to attend his wedding feast. 我们已经接受我们朋友的邀请,准备参加他的结婚宴会。2.同意,赞同。‖It is an accepted truth that a fr...[继续阅读]
用作及物动词,不及物动词。以上二词都有“收到别人物品、邀请、意见等”含义。1.receive意为“收到”,指收到别人的物品等,例如收到别人的信件、钱物、汇款、消息等。‖He received a good education when he was young.在他年轻时,他受到很...[继续阅读]
用作名词。1.通路(与to连用)。‖This is the only access to the old castle from outside the mountains.这是由山外通往那个古城堡的惟一通路。2.接近(与to连用)。‖Queen Victoria was difficult of access except for the court officials.除去朝廷大臣以外,别人难以接近...[继续阅读]
以上二词均为名词,意为“接近、走近”。1.access意为“接近”,指接近某人、某事物的权利、机会或方法(the right,opportunity or means of reaching),例如接近、会见重要人物,接受某种待遇的机会、权利等。‖Common people all have access to the king...[继续阅读]