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古典诗词名句 共有 100 个词条内容

窈窕淑女, 君子好逑

    · 句意 ·美丽善良的好姑娘是好男儿寻求的伴侣。表达了古人对自由爱情的追求。· 英译 ·A pretty and modest maiden should be the mate of a gentleman.To express ancient peoples pursuit of free love.· 原诗 ·关 雎  先秦 《诗经·周南》关关雎鸠...[继续阅读]


执子之手, 与子偕老

    · 句意 ·紧紧拉着你的手,与你永不分离、白头到老!这是一个征战在外不能归家的士兵回忆与妻子分别时的场景。表达了两情缱绻,对爱情坚贞不渝。· 英译 ·Hold your hands tightly till we get old and die.A soldier at the battle recalled the scene...[继续阅读]


一日不见, 如三秋兮

    · 句意 ·一天没见到心爱的人,就像过了三季那么长。表达出对恋人无比深切的思念之情。· 英译 ·I havent seen my lover for only one day, but I feel that it is as long as three seasons. To express ones urgent feeling to meet his or her lover.· 原诗 ·采 葛 ...[继续阅读]


所谓伊人, 在水一方

    · 句意 ·自己爱恋的那个心上人,在河水的另一边。表达了对心上人可望而不可即的惆怅和伤感之情。 · 英译 ·The girl who I fall in love with is at the other side of the river.To express the melancholy emotion that thoughhis lover is there, he can not get to h...[继续阅读]


路曼曼其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索

    · 句意 ·路途虽然遥远而漫长,但我将上天入地去探寻真理。表现诗人为实现自己的理想而不懈追求。· 英译 ·Although the road ahead is long and tough, I will try every means to seek the truth.To show the authors firm resolution to pursue his ideal. · 原诗 ...[继续阅读]


少壮不努力, 老大徒伤悲

    · 句意 ·年少时如果不努力,老来一事无成,就只能空自悲伤惋惜。说明了珍惜青春、珍惜时光,及时发奋努力的重要性。· 英译 ·If you dont work hard when you are young, there will be no use regretting or being sad when you are old.To persuade young people ...[继续阅读]


老骥伏枥, 志在千里

    · 句意 ·衰老的千里马虽躺卧在马槽边,但它驰骋千里的志向仍未改变。表达了诗人自强不息、老当益壮的精神气概。· 英译 ·A decrepit horse which once ran very fast is lying beside the manger,but its aspiration to run far away remains steady. To express th...[继续阅读]


本是同根生, 相煎何太急

    · 句意 ·豆子和豆秸秆本是同根所生,何必急迫地相互残害呢?说明兄弟之情的可贵,不能因争权夺利而相互残害。· 英译 ·Beans and beanstalks are born from the same root, why do they hurry to kill each other so much?To appreciate the value of love between bro...[继续阅读]


采菊东篱下, 悠然见南山

    · 句意 ·在东边的篱笆下采摘菊花,悠然自得,抬头不经意便见到夕阳下的南山胜景。表达出诗人归隐田园,远离官场生活,与大自然契合无间的心境。· 英译 ·Picking chrysanthemums by the hurdle in the east while enjoying the beautiful sceneryof Moun...[继续阅读]


盛年不重来, 一日难再晨

    · 句意 ·年富力强的岁月不会再来,就如一天过去不会再回到早晨。表达应珍惜一去不复返的好时光,努力有所作为。· 英译 ·Blooming age cant come back again just like the morning can never appear again when the day passed.To emphasize that good time will n...[继续阅读]
