see钱杏邨 (Qian Xingcun)...[继续阅读]
grieve with restraint; restrained behavior...[继续阅读]
the plaintive notes of the tone of language which touch the hearts of the slow-witted as well as the sensitive...[继续阅读]
lament and requiem...[继续阅读]
Reflection of Saddness→刘埙 (Liu Xun)...[继续阅读]
Rhapsody Lamenting the South→庾信(Yu Xin)...[继续阅读]
Lamenting by the Stream→杜甫 (Du Fu)...[继续阅读]
Lamenting a Death by Drowning→柳宗元 (Liu Zongyuan)...[继续阅读]
Lament for a Royal Scion→杜甫 (Du Fu)...[继续阅读]
Lameting China→蒋光慈 (Jiang Guangci)...[继续阅读]