ABC World Airways Guide...[继续阅读]
v.arrange; n.arrangement; on the schedule; schedule...[继续阅读]
well-run tour...[继续阅读]
security system...[继续阅读]
press the button...[继续阅读]
on the dot...[继续阅读]
asphalt jungle:统计显示在美国城市里的柏油丛林街区,抢劫、强奸和凶杀案件极多。Statistics show that in asphalt jungles in American cities,the crimes of robbery,rape and killings are extremely numerous....[继续阅读]
see about; see to...[继续阅读]
clear: 所有旅客都办妥了海关检查手续。All the passengers have cleared the Customs....[继续阅读]
v. help; assist; n.assistance...[继续阅读]