A salt or ester of acetic acid. Acetates contain the ion CH3 COO- orthe group CH3 COO-.醋酸的盐或酯,含CH3COO-离子或CH3 COO—基团。...[继续阅读]
A salt or ester of acetic acid. Acetates contain the ion CH3 COO- orthe group CH3 COO-.醋酸的盐或酯,含CH3COO-离子或CH3 COO—基团。...[继续阅读]
An ENZYME thatcatalyzes the reaction between acetate,CoAand ATP to form AMP and ACETYLCoA. It is important in organisms that useacetate as a carbon source (e. g. E. coli,al-gae,and many fungi).催化乙酸、辅酶A和ATP生成AMP和乙酰辅酶A的一种酶。在以乙酸盐为碳源的有机体(例如...[继续阅读]
A compound used as an in-hibitor of carbonic anhydrase. It has been usedas a diuretic but its main use is in treatingglaucoma(by reducing the formation of fluidin the eye).碳酸酐酶抑制剂,可作为利尿剂,但主要用于治疗青光眼(通过减少眼内液体的形成)。...[继续阅读]
A carboxylicacid,CH3COOH,obtained by the oxidationof ethyl alcohol. Acetic acid is a componentof vinegar (which is obtained by bacterialoxidation of wine waste).乙醇氧化后的羧基酸,CH3COOH。乙酸是食醋的成分(通过醋酸杆菌发酵酒糟得来)。...[继续阅读]
The ACID ANHYDRIDEof acetic acid,CH3COOCOH3 ; commonlyused in acetylation reactions.乙酸的酸酐,CH3COOCOH3;通常用于乙酰化反应中。...[继续阅读]
A KETONE,CH3COCH3,commonly used as a solvent.一种酮类,CH3COCH3;通常用作有机溶剂。...[继续阅读]
See ketone body.参阅ketone body。...[继续阅读]
A reaction in which an acetylgroup,CH3CO-is introduced into a com-pound. See also acylation.将乙酰基即CH3CO—引入某化合物的反应。参阅acylation。...[继续阅读]
A NEUROTRANS-MITTER found at the majority of synap-ses,which occur where one nerve cell meets another.Nerves that produce acetylcholineare called cholinergic nerves;they form theparasympathetic nervous system and alsosupply the voluntary muscles.一种神经递质,可见...[继续阅读]
An ENZYME thatcatalyzes the hydrolysis of ACETYLCHO-LINE to give choline (and acetate). It oc-curs in spinal fluid and cholinergic neu-rons. The ester is inhibited by a number ofcompounds. A class of drugs (acetylcho-linesterase inhibitors) act by inhibit...[继续阅读]