adv.absent-mindedly:心不在焉地:to watch absently 心不在焉地观看——to watchattentively 全神贯注地观看...[继续阅读]
adv.absent-mindedly:心不在焉地:to watch absently 心不在焉地观看——to watchattentively 全神贯注地观看...[继续阅读]
adj.1 unconditional;unqualified:无条件的:an absolute promise 无条件的许诺——a condi-tional promise 有条件的许诺2. unlimited; having complete or arbitrary pow-er:无限制的;专制的:absolute monarchy 君主专制政体 —— limitedmonarchy 君主立宪政体;absolute powers 无限...[继续阅读]
v.take in:吸收:to absorb heat 吸收热量——to send outheat 放出热量;to absorb light 吸收光 —— to give off light 放出光...[继续阅读]
v.hold oneself back;refrain:戒除:to abstain from drinking戒酒——to indulgeoneself in drinking 沉迷于饮酒;to abstain fromsmoking戒烟——to indulge oneself in smoking沉迷于吸烟...[继续阅读]
adj.separated from what is real or concrete;thought of separately from facts,objects orparticular examples:抽象的:abstract ideas 抽象的概念——concrete ideas 具体的概念;an abstract noun 抽象名词——a concrete noun具体名词;an abstract number 不名数——a concrete number 名数...[继续阅读]
adj.foolish;ridiculous:愚蠢的;可笑的;荒谬的:an absurd opinion 荒谬的见解—— a logicalopinion 合理的见解;an absurd suggestion 荒唐的建议——a logical suggestion 合理的建议...[继续阅读]
n.great quantity;plenty:丰富;充足:an abundance of rain 雨量充足—— a scarcityof rain 雨量不足;a year of abundance 丰年——a year of scarcity 荒年...[继续阅读]
adj.1.more than enough;plentiful:大量的;丰富的;充足的:an abundant harvest 丰收——a scanty harvest歉收:an abundant supply of firewood 木柴供应充足——a scanty supply of firewood 木柴供应不足2. rich in; well supplied with:富于;富有:a land abundant in minerals 矿产丰富...[继续阅读]