·aired the past tense and past participle of air ‘to broadcast or transmit something.’动词“air”的过去式和过去分词形式,意思是“播送”。One of the news channels aired the conference.有一个新闻频道播报了这个会议的消息。·aired the past tense and past parti...[继续阅读]
·aired the past tense and past participle of air ‘to broadcast or transmit something.’动词“air”的过去式和过去分词形式,意思是“播送”。One of the news channels aired the conference.有一个新闻频道播报了这个会议的消息。·aired the past tense and past parti...[继续阅读]
·aisle a passage or corridor,usually between rows of seats.过道;通道;侧廊The wedding guests stood when the bride appeared at the head of the aisle.当新娘在过道前出现时,客人们都站立起来。·I’ll the contraction of I will or I shall. “I will”或“I shall”的缩写形式“...[继续阅读]
·all the whole of a number or quantity.全部的;所有的;一切的When making a difficult decision,try to consider all aspects of the problem.当难下决定时,设法全方位地考虑问题。·awl a sharp,pointed tool used to puncture or etch.锥子;钻子To create the fine details in her work,...[继续阅读]
·all ready completely prepared.完全准备好When the runners were all ready,the starter fired his gun to begin the race当运动员准备就绪,发令员鸣枪开始比赛。·already previously;beforehand. 已经Volunteer fire-men were already at the scene of the blaze when the police and ambulan...[继续阅读]
·all together united; gathered. 汇总起来的When I had my fabric all together,I began the tedious task of sewing.当我把所有的织物汇总到一起便开始了令人厌倦的缝纫工作。·altogether thoroughly;totally.彻底地;完全地We were altogether surprised when James showed up un...[继续阅读]
·all ways all of the ways.所有路线We used a guidebook to study all ways of traveling across the country.我们用一本旅行指南研究遍及全国的旅行路线。·always without exception;at all times.永远;总是“Always check for traffic before crossing the street,”Aunt Jane reminded...[继续阅读]
·allowed the past tense and past participle of allow‘to permit someone to do something.’动词“allow”的过去时和过去分词形式,意思是“允许”。The child was never allowed to go outside of his fenced yard without one of his parents.父母不允许这个孩子走出这个有栅栏...[继续阅读]
·allusion an indirect reference to someone or something. 暗示I caught the speaker’s allusion to waste in government,but the rest of the speech was completely confusing to me.我理解了讲话人对政府浪费现象的暗示,但他所讲的其他内容我完全不知所云。·elusion an evasio...[继续阅读]
·altar a raised platform used in worship or ritual.祭坛Each Sunday,vases of fresh flowers grace the altar of the church.每个星期天,许多瓶鲜花装饰教堂的祭坛。·alter to change something;to make something different.改变Pilots must sometimes alter their flight plans to avoid sever...[继续阅读]
·among situated amidst more than two persons or things;in a grouping of more than two persons or things.在……(两者以上)之中;在……(两者以上)中间Among those three poets,Robert Frost is my favorite.在这三个诗人当中,我最喜欢罗伯特·弗罗斯特。·between adjacent to ...[继续阅读]