【问】 The human ribs are capable to move so as to allow room for the lungs to expand duringbreathing.请指出这个句子的毛病并加以分析。【答】 从结构上说,与able不同,capable作表语时,其后应当跟of sth.或of doing sth.,而不能跟to do sth.。这是各类标准考试所...[继续阅读]
【问】 The human ribs are capable to move so as to allow room for the lungs to expand duringbreathing.请指出这个句子的毛病并加以分析。【答】 从结构上说,与able不同,capable作表语时,其后应当跟of sth.或of doing sth.,而不能跟to do sth.。这是各类标准考试所...[继续阅读]
【问】No really satisfactory photograph has ever been taken of one in a wild state,no zoologist.however intrepid,has been able to keep the animal under close and constant observation inthe dark jungles in which he lives.(New Concept English,Book 4,P. 17)[原译1...[继续阅读]
【问】 葛传椝:《英语惯用法词典》(P.114)说:“I was able to do it.(指经常的或一次的能力,并不意味着实行。)”这种说法是否符合英语的实际情况?【答】 这种说法与英语的实际使用情况是不相符的,实际上,was(were) able to只能表示一次性...[继续阅读]
【问】 (1)Gauss was able to show by a theoretical analysis that the field arose within the solidearth...(北大《英语》(三),P.101)[原译]高斯通过理论分析能够证明场是在地球实体内产生的……(教参)(2) After years of difficulty,Whittle was,however,able to build his firs...[继续阅读]
【问】 有一本英语词典上说:“could用来表示can的过去时态,相当于was able to”。这种说法似乎不大精确,您说呢?【答】 我们在could/was able中已经讲了它们之间的一个重要区别:could表“潜能”,was ableto表“动作的完成”,此外,它们之间还...[继续阅读]
【问】 我已知道,could表示潜能。I could pass the examination.是说“我曾有能力通过考试。”,而不是指“我成功地通过了考试”。而I was able to pass the examination.则是指“我确实成功地通过了考试”。也就是说,was(were) able to是强调动作的完...[继续阅读]
【问】They will stay for about a week.请问about在这里是什么词?【答】 about在这里不是介词,而是副词,作“大约”、“大概”解。1. He came (at)about 4 oclock in the afternoon. (Hill)他大约下午四点钟来了。2. Only about a third of land is arable. (White)只有大...[继续阅读]
【问】 about和on在作“关于”解时有无区别?【答】 有区别。在谈到非科学性、非严肃性问题时,一般使用about。因此,正象R.Quirk等人所说的那样,在chat或quarrel一类动词之后使用on,是不合适的:1. That at least is my idea about friendship.(Wilde)这至...[继续阅读]
【问】 be about与be on the point of在语义上有无区别?【答】 它们在语义上并没有什么区别,都表示最近的将来(正要,刚要)。但是,在语法上,beabout应与带to的动词不定式连用,而be on the point of则必须接动名词。1. He was just about to dive when he ...[继续阅读]
【问】 The government____to approve the use of wide-spread surveillance when the JusticeDepartment took objections.A. is going B. had beenC. was about D. is coming(TOEFL,76.2)请解释be about to的意义和用法。【答】 半助动词be about to(+动词原形),如同will/shall,be going to,be t...[继续阅读]