1.跨骑;两腿分开骑;跨坐:A little child sat astride his small bench and took it as a wooden horse.一个小孩跨坐在他的小板凳上,把它当做木马。/ Mother took her baby up and let him sit astride her knees.妈妈把她的婴儿抱起,叫他跨坐在自己的膝上。/A messenger r...[继续阅读]
1.跨骑;两腿分开骑;跨坐:A little child sat astride his small bench and took it as a wooden horse.一个小孩跨坐在他的小板凳上,把它当做木马。/ Mother took her baby up and let him sit astride her knees.妈妈把她的婴儿抱起,叫他跨坐在自己的膝上。/A messenger r...[继续阅读]
1.表示所在的位置、地点、场所:The two railway lines meet at a point on the map.这两条铁路线在地图上相交于一点。/ Our village is situated at the foot of a small hill.我们的村庄坐落于一座小山的山脚下。/ Fighters always keep their weapons at their elbows agai...[继续阅读]
横越;横过:It is not allowed by the maritime law for a ship to sail athwart other ships’ path.一艘轮船横越其他船只的航道是海事法律所不允许的。/ Guided by atomic icebreakers,the exploration fleet sailed athwart the Arctic Ocean and got to the North Pole. 由原子破冰船引...[继续阅读]
到……之顶上;在……之顶上:Mountaineers often climbed atop high peaks where snowslide and other dangers are apt to happen.登山队员们时常爬到容易发生雪崩和其他危险的高峰峰顶。/It is said that there was a precious stone atop the old tower. 据说在那古塔的塔顶上...[继续阅读]
1.除……之外;除去:Mary is the best dancer in our school bar none. 玛丽是我们学校最好的舞星,无出其右者。/ People all attend the celebration ceremony bar Mr Smith,who suddenly falls ill and has to see the doctor. 人们都参加了庆祝仪式,只有史密斯先生没有参加,他...[继续阅读]
of 因为:We respect and glorify heroic men because of their bravery and sacrificing spirit. 我们因为英雄人物的勇敢和牺牲精神而尊重和颂扬他们。/ Our goods sell well in foreign markets because of their good quality and cheap price.我们的货物因质优价廉而在国外市场...[继续阅读]
1.(指位置)在……的前面:An old lady sat before me when we were in church.我们在教堂作礼拜时,一位老太太坐在我的前面。/Standing before the blackboard,the teacher made his lecture to the students.那位老师站在黑板的前面给学生们讲课。/ Our ship sailed before ...[继续阅读]
1.(指位置)在……的后面:He planted many exotic flowers and rare trees behind his house. 他在他的房子后面种了许多奇花异树。/Few people notice that a cow’s ears are behind its horns. 很少人注意到,牛的耳朵长在它的角的后面。/When the children are playing hide...[继续阅读]