从犯/He was sentenced to six years`imprisonment although he wasonly an accessory criminal.尽管他只是一个从犯,但还是被判了6年徒刑。...[继续阅读]
从犯/He was sentenced to six years`imprisonment although he wasonly an accessory criminal.尽管他只是一个从犯,但还是被判了6年徒刑。...[继续阅读]
应急救生艇/The captain ordered thatthe accident boat should belowered to sweep the sea.船长下令将应急救生艇放下去搜寻海面。...[继续阅读]
临时地址/She left her accommo-dation address with me sothat we could keep in con-tact.她把她的临时地址留给我以便我们保持联系。...[继续阅读]
专用道路/This was used as an ac-commodation road for mili-tary purpose during the anti-Japanese war.这条路曾在抗日战争时期用作军事专用道路。...[继续阅读]
〈美〉逢站必停的慢车/I took anaccommodation train to myhome town so that I couldenjoy the scenery along theway.我乘了慢车回家乡,目的是一路上可以欣赏景色。...[继续阅读]
社交手腕出色的女士/She is one ofHollywood`s most accom-plished young ladies.她是好莱坞最具社交手腕的年轻女子之一。...[继续阅读]
(插在书中的)折页/There are four orfive accordion folds in thedictionary,giving more de-tailed illustrations to themeanings of synonyms.这部词典中有4~5张折页,详细解释同义词的词义。...[继续阅读]
赊账/Thehotel manager will not giveme any more account credit.旅馆的经理不会再给我赊账。...[继续阅读]