Even if you choose a career entirely outside of the sciences, an understanding of thermal physics will enrich the experiences of every day of your life.
Daniel V. Schroeder
这本书远不如Baby Rudin出名,至少我的热学老师邢雁老师并不了解这本书,所以在开始做笔记之前,还是有必要先谈论一下书本身(其实一部分原因是我有点累了,想先写点轻松的)。
Despite my aim to keep this list purely about math books, I cannot help but include this one in the list. Simply put, it's one of the most enjoyable textbooks I've ever read, giving a very satisfying first-principles understanding of what thermodynamic concepts like temperature and entropy really are, and how we can to understand them.
Statistical mechanics is all about taking surprisingly minimal assumptions, and mathematically analyzing the life out of them to explain where the laws of thermodynamics come from. I feel all math students should at least expose themselves to this topic, if for no other reason than to see what powerful results can come from simple combinatorics. There's also value in practicing what it feels like to take a complicated expression, write an approximation that capture the core part that really matters, and use it to make experimental predictions about insanely complicated systems.
后来是学到“熵”这个概念的时候,感觉困惑(显然我高中就没学明白),去看曹则贤老师的文章和费曼讲义的那一章,突然感觉热学还挺有意思的,想找书来仔细看,便偶然发现Schroeder 教授这本Introduction to Thermal Physics 竟然有中译本(这里要感谢机械社和闫明旗、孙克斌两位译者),果断买来拜读。
文首引用的话来自这本书的前言,说实话,这本书的前言,让我真正地感受到了Schroeder 教授对读者的关怀,这样的书谁不爱呢?
言归正传,Schroeder 教授认为,热物理学 thermal physics 的主要研究对象是大量的粒子,数量级通常为(10^{23}) 。对于如此庞大的对象,显然无法过于细致地考察,故而历史上人们首先对于这类对象发展了宏观的研究:热力学 thermodynamics。但到此为止,还只能说是基于经验的科学,没有牢靠的理论基础,于是人们开始正面研究粒子的行为,尝试从微观角度解释热力学的理论,这构成了统计力学 statistical mechanics。
至此我们有了对热物理学的大概认识,然后是读书或者学习方法。Schroeder 教授十分强调习题的意义:
Listening to recordings won’t teach you to play piano (though it can help), and reading a textbook won’t teach you physics (though it too can help).
而这其实是我们国内的课本所缺少的,我也算是大概地看过赵凯华老师、李椿老师的书,最大的弊病(至少对初学者来说)就是远离实际,尤其是涉及到热机的时候,全程对着一张p-V 图像凭空分析,也不讲热机到底是什么样子(说的就是你,回热式热机),学完了也不知道自己学的有什么用。当然,赵凯华老师把物态安排到热力学前面,本意是想缓解这个问题,不过可惜的是他只调换了顺序,却没在后面的章节向前勾连。
本文摘自 :https://www.cnblogs.com/