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js mine 类型javascript----text/javascript,application/javascript, and appliation/x-javascript
2021-08-07 19:06:41

这两天使用iewatch观察google的网站的时候,发现学到js文件的mime类型为text/javascript,而今天在qq的网站上,使用iewatch发现,有时用text/javascript的,也有使用application/javascript的还有使用appliation/x-javascript的,所有就不太知道这三个mime 类型有什么区别,在google上一搜:

The traditional MIME type for JavaScript programs is
"text/javascript". Another type that has been used is
"application/x-javascript" (the "x" prefix indicates that it is an
experimental, nonstandard type). RFC 4329 standardized the
"text/javascript" type because it is in common use. However, because
JavaScript programs are not really text documents, it marks this type
as obsolete and recommends "application/javascript" (without the "x-")
instead. At the time of this writing, "application/javascript" is not
well supported, however. That might be the reason why
"application/x-javascript" is used by a lot of webpages.



本文摘自 :https://blog.51cto.com/u

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