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2022-05-11 11:00:57


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☞ 全力推进加速到来的机器人时代 2022

☞ 从2050回顾2020,职业规划与技术路径(节选)




  1. 权力密集型:多以政府部门为主(直接生产关系)
  2. 资金密集型:金融证券保险为主(间接生产关系)
  3. 技术密集型:打工人智力就业为主,化工厂,电子厂,机械厂,软件厂,本质一致(直接生产力)
  4. 劳动密集型:打工人体力劳动行业,跑腿类,勤杂类,作坊式农业(直接生产力)
  5. 科学密集型:事业单位为主,有拨款支持行业,无盈利硬性考核(间接生产力)
  6. 信息密集型:类似于技术,劳动,科学密集,但岗位为智库类别(间接生产力)


  1. 生产力行业待遇水平,通常与利润关系密切;
  2. 生产关系行业待遇水平与行业利润关系不密切。







Relations of Production

Relations of production are not, as the English phrase suggests, simply the social relationships formed in the actual process of production. Rather, they are the de facto power relationships that both underlie and are the result of the division of the fruits of a society's total labor. Household head versus dependents, chief versus subjects, master versus slaves, feudal lord versus peasants, and capitalist versus workers – relations of production are basic asymmetries of power grounded in the organization of material life. In capitalism, relations of production rest upon actual control over productive forces in the process of production, but in other modes of production, as anthropologists and historians eventually showed, this is not necessarily the case.

In relation to the last point, consider the contrast between capitalism and precolonial chiefdoms in Africa. Capitalists put the production process into motion; they or their representatives oversee and supervise in order to ensure that a profit is produced at the end of the work cycle. In many chiefdoms, chiefs did not control the production process itself. Yet, having produced, subjects brought tribute, the fruits of their own labors, to the chief. This contrast illustrates the fact that relations of production, by definition, correspond to the basic structures of power in a society, however that power is constituted – whether by economic, coercive, or religious means (or some mix of these). This makes the reformed notion of modes of production quite different from what is often assumed of Marxism; most particularly, it is not a form of economic reductionism.

Why do productive inequalities occupy a central place in Marx's thought? The answer is that they locate the basic divisions within any society, the lines of potential opposition – of contradiction. Marx saw these as the potential fault lines along which tensions tend to build up are routinely dissipated by small readjustments, and are sometimes violently resolved by radical realignments. These fault lines are structural; they do not necessarily lead to actual struggle and conflict (indeed, the function of the superstructure is precisely to prevent such occurrences). Nevertheless, contradictions always exist as potentialities; they lie just below the surface.

本文摘自 :https://blog.51cto.com/u

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