1.腮腺管 Parotid duct2. 颏舌肌 Genioglossus m.3.舌下腺 Sublingual gland4. 颏舌骨肌 Geniohyoid m.5.二腹肌前腹 Ant. belly of digastric m.6. 腮腺 Parotid gland7.咬肌 Masseter m.8. 翼内肌 Med. pterygoid m.9.舌下腺小管 Minor sublingual ducts10.下颌下腺管 Submandibular du...[继续阅读]
1.腮腺管 Parotid duct2. 颏舌肌 Genioglossus m.3.舌下腺 Sublingual gland4. 颏舌骨肌 Geniohyoid m.5.二腹肌前腹 Ant. belly of digastric m.6. 腮腺 Parotid gland7.咬肌 Masseter m.8. 翼内肌 Med. pterygoid m.9.舌下腺小管 Minor sublingual ducts10.下颌下腺管 Submandibular du...[继续阅读]
1.枢椎 Axis2. 颈内动、静脉 Int. carotid a.,v.3.咽后间隙和咽上缩肌 Retropharyngeal space and sup. pharyngeal constrictor m.4. 咽 Pharynx5. 咽扁桃体 Palatine tonsil6.舌 Tongue7.胸锁乳突肌 Sternocleidomastoid m.8.颈动脉鞘 Carotid sheath9.舌咽神经、迷走神经、舌下...[继续阅读]
1.顶导静脉 Parietal emissary v.2.上矢状窦 Sup. sagittal sinus3.下矢状窦 Inf. sagittal sinus4. 颞前板障静脉 Ant. temporal diploic v.5.枕板障静脉 Occipital diploic v.6. 直窦 Straight sinus7. 窦汇 Confluence of sinuses8. 横窦 Transv. sinus9.枕导静脉 Occiptal emissary v.1...[继续阅读]
1.冠状缝 Coronal suture2. 额缝 Frontal suture3. 鼻间缝 Internasal suture4.上颌间缝 Intermaxillary suture5. 前囟 Ant. fontanelle6. 额结节 Frontal tuber7. 蝶囟 Sphenoid fontanelle8.下颌缝 Mandibular suture9.顶结节 Parietal tuber10.后囟 Post. fontanelle11.人字缝 Lambdoid su...[继续阅读]
1.冠状缝 Coronal suture2.顶骨 Parietal bone3. 鼻骨 Nasal bone4. 额骨 Frontal bone5. 前囟 Ant. fontanelle6.矢状缝 Sagittal suture7.顶结节 Parietal tuber8.上颌骨腭突 Palatine process of maxilla9. 鼻后孔 Choana10. 颧弓 Zygomatic arch11.颞骨 Temporal bone12.枕骨大孔 Foram...[继续阅读]
1.二腹肌前腹 Ant. belly of digastric m.2.下颌舌骨肌 Mylohyoid m.3.舌骨 Hyoid bone4.肩胛提肌 Levator scapulae m.5.中斜角肌 Scalenus medius m.6.胸骨舌骨肌 Sternohyoid m.7.肩胛舌骨肌上腹 Sup. belly of omohyoid m.8.头长肌 Longus capitis m.9.甲状软骨 Thyroid cartilag...[继续阅读]
1.眼轮匝肌 Orbicularis oculi m.2. 腮腺管 Parotid duct3.耳后肌 Auricularis post. m.4. 腮腺 Parotid gland5. 茎突舌骨肌 Stylohyoid m.6.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.7.头半棘肌 Semispinalis capitis m.8.头夹肌 Splenius capitis m.9. 斜方肌 Trapezius m.10. 胸锁乳突肌...[继续阅读]
1.颈外静脉 Ext. jugular v.2.封套筋膜 Investing layer of cervical fascia3.颈横神经上支 Sup. br. of transv. cervical n.4. 颈阔肌 Platysma m.5.颈横神经下支 Inf. br. of transv. cervical n.6. 锁骨上神经 Supraclavicular nn.7. 腮腺 Parotid gland8.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of ...[继续阅读]
1.腮腺 Parotid gland2.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.3. 茎突舌骨肌 Stylohyoid m.4. 颈内静脉 Int. jugular v.5.枕动脉 Occipital a.6.颈内动脉 Int. carotid a.7.颈外动脉 Ext. carotid a.8. 颈丛 Cervical plexus9.胸锁乳突肌 Sternocleidomastoid m.10. 颈袢下根 Inf. ...[继续阅读]
1.枕小神经 Lesser occipital n.2. 斜方肌 Trapezius m.3.副神经 Accessory n.4. 椎前筋膜 Prevertebral fascia5.耳大神经 Great auricular n.6.颈外静脉 Ext. jugular v.7. 颈横神经 Transv. cervical n.8. 胸锁乳突肌、封套筋膜 Sternocleidomastoid m.,investing layer of cervical ...[继续阅读]