·acts the plural of act ‘a deed or an action.’名词“act”的复数形式,意思是“行为,举动”。In the military,acts of heroism are recognized by the presentation of ribbons and medals.在部队,英雄壮举通过颁发绶带和奖章的方式予以表彰。·acts the plural of act ‘......(本文共 788 字) [阅读本文] >>
 ·acts the plural of act ‘a deed or an action.’名词“act”的复数形式,意思是“行为,举动”。In the military,acts of heroism are recognized by the presentation of ribbons and medals.在部队,英雄壮举通过颁发绶带和奖章的方式予以表彰。·acts the plural of act ‘......(本文共 788 字) [阅读本文] >>