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6.1 Closing Diphthongs: /e&618;/, /a&618;/, /&596;&618;/, /&601;&650;/, /a&650;/

6.1 Closing Diphthongs: /e&618;/, /a&618;/, /&596;&618;/, /&601;&650;/, /a&650;/图片(共6张) :
6.1 Closing Diphthongs: /e&618;/, /a&618;/, /&596;&618;/, /&601;&650;/, /a&650;/

        The closing diphthongs have the characteristics that they all end with a glidetoward a closer vowel. Because the second part of the diphthong is weak,they oftendo not reach a position that could be called close. The important thing is that a glidefrom a r......(本文共 17515 字, 6 张图)     [阅读本文] >>

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