Ashi point治取~。In treatment the Ashi point is selected./以痛为俞,治取~。An Ashi point located at the tender spot is selected....[继续阅读]
Ashi point治取~。In treatment the Ashi point is selected./以痛为俞,治取~。An Ashi point located at the tender spot is selected....[继续阅读]
cancer,carcinoma~病cancer/~疮epithelioma/~前期precancer/~死亡率mortality of carcinoma/腺~glandular cancer/原发~primary cancer...[继续阅读]
moxibustion~补泻reinforcing and reducing method in moxibustion/~疗法moxibustion treatment/温~是针灸与艾条结合应用的一种方法。The needle warming moxibustion is one that combines acupuncture and moxibus-tion....[继续阅读]