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文化景观的定性研究英文 共有 50 个词条内容

1.1 Definition of Landscape

    The word “landscape” is used in a variety of ways, and it has various meanings.The landscape in geography includes a large part of the natural ecosystem. At this point, it includes geo-structures, soil, plants, and forests and so on. On the other hand,phy...[继续阅读]


1.2 Natural Landscape

    Natural landscape means an environment consisting of all the elements of the natural world. The natural landscape is not created by humans. These natural landscapes include mountains, rivers, lakes, and green areas.Natural Landscape 1(http://encykorea.aks...[继续阅读]


1.3 Cultural Landscape

    Culture is a lifestyle formed through human interaction with the natural environment. The cultural landscape was created by humans with specific cultures living in the area for a long time. So culture is a human lifestyle, and the cultural landscape is a ...[继续阅读]


1.4.1 Research of Natural Landscape

    The study of natural landscape uses the natural scientific method. The natural scientific method is to study natural phenomena. It is commonly called science. Natural science believes that natural phenomena are reproducible. So natural science uses an exp...[继续阅读]


1.4.2 Research of Cultural Landscape

    The study of cultural landscape uses social scientific methods. The social scientific method is to study human social phenomenon. Social science is different from natural science. Social science contains artificial elements. The methodology appeared in th...[继续阅读]


1.4.3 Research Trend

    The study of the landscape was conducted mainly in landscape architecture.Landscape architecture is about creating a suitable environment for humans. Landscape architecture is a field that combines natural science, social science, and art. Especially as t...[继续阅读]


2.1.1 Quantitative Research

    Quantitative research is a study based on empirical research. This method of research is a traditional method. Quantitative research is the discovery of demonstrable principles in an objective process. In quantitative research, researchers think that natu...[继续阅读]


2.1.2 Qualitative Research

    Qualitative research is a method of research that does not use statistical methods.It is different from quantitative research. Quantitative research studies what happens in certain situations, how people behave and why such behavior occurs. So, researcher...[继续阅读]


2.2 Qualitative Research for Cultural Landscape

    Qualitative research is the core of cultural research. The cultural research begins with the study of cultural phenomena. The cultural research is conducted based on a field study. And researchers can gain cultural knowledge by participating in a group on...[继续阅读]


3.1 Definition

    Participant observation is the method by which a researcher becomes an insider.The research method requires researchers to participate in people’s lives as much as possible. Researchers understand people’s words and actions. Words and actions record every...[继续阅读]
