Definition: Several fossils grouped together or considered as a whole in specific areas orpositions.组合zǔ hé特定地区特定层位中发现的所有化石的联合,不一定具有生态含义。Origin:Circa 1704,from French assemblage“gathering,assemblage,”from assembler.Example:These chan...[继续阅读]
Definition: Several fossils grouped together or considered as a whole in specific areas orpositions.组合zǔ hé特定地区特定层位中发现的所有化石的联合,不一定具有生态含义。Origin:Circa 1704,from French assemblage“gathering,assemblage,”from assembler.Example:These chan...[继续阅读]
Definiton:A group of organisms (plants and animals)that live together in a certaingeographical region and constitute a community with a few dominant species.群集qún jí特定环境下生活在一起的生物联合,暂时不清楚其时空分布范围。Origin:1530s,“action of coming together,”...[继续阅读]
Definition:Background extinction,also known as “normal extinction”,refers to theextinction in earth’s geological and biological history before humans became a primarycontributor to extinctions.背景灭绝bèi jǐng miè jué指地质生物历程中生物由于自身的原因在正常环境状况...[继续阅读]
Definition: Bergmann’s rule is an ecogeographic rule that correlates latitude with body massin animals.贝格曼法则bèi gé màn fǎ zé恒温动物在寒冷地区体型趋向于增大,在温暖地区则趋向于变小,因为随着个体增大,相对体表面积变小,其单位体重的散热量随...[继续阅读]
Definition: The level of taxonomic study dealing with the arrangement of species into highertaxa. β分类学β fēn lèi xué将物种配置安排到更高的分类阶元,建立分类系统。...[继续阅读]
Definition: The scientific naming of species whereby each species receives a Latin orLatinized name of two parts,the first indicating the genus and the second being the specificepithet.双名法shuāng míng fǎ 物种的正式名称必须由两个拉丁词构成,属名在前,种名在后,后面还常常...[继续阅读]
Definition:Biodisturbation is a method of tracking where compounds of interest travel in anexperimental animal or human subject.生物扰动shēng wù rǎo dòng生物在沉积物中的强烈搅动。...[继续阅读]
Definition:Biogenetic law,in biology,a law stating that the earlier stages of embryos ofspecies advanced in the evolutionary process,such as humans,resemble the embryos of ancestralspecies,such as fish.生物发生律shēng wù fā shēng lǜ亦称重演律,认为生物个体发育是其所在类群系...[继续阅读]