See propenoic acid.参阅propenoic acid。...[继续阅读]
See propenoic acid.参阅propenoic acid。...[继续阅读]
A synthetic resin made bypolymerizing an amide or ester derivative of2-propenoic acid (acrylic acid). Examplesof acrylic materials are Acrilan (frompropenonitrile)and Plexiglas (polymethyl-methacrylate). Acrylic resins are also usedin paints.由2-丙烯酸(丙烯酸)的酰...[继续阅读]
See propenonitrile.参阅propenonitrile。...[继续阅读]
Radiation that can causea chemical reaction;for example,ultravioletradiation is actinic.能引起化学反应的辐射。例如,紫外辐射就是光化学辐射。...[继续阅读]
A soft silvery -white radioac-tive metallic element that is the first mem-ber of the actinoid series. It occurs in mi-nute quantities in uranium ores and themetal can be obtained by reducing the trif-luoride with lithium. It can be produced byneutron bomb...[继续阅读]
A group of 15 radio-active elements whose electronic configura-tions display filling of the 5f level. As withthe lanthanoids,the first member,actini-um,has no f-electrons (Ac [Rn] 6d17s2)but other members also show deviationsfrom the smooth trend of f ele...[继续阅读]
See charcoal.参阅 charcoal。...[继续阅读]
The partially bondedsystem of atoms in the transition state of achemical reaction.化学反应的过渡态中原子部分成键的系统。...[继续阅读]
Symbol: Ea The mini-mum energy a particle,molecule,etc. ,mustacquire before it can react; i. e. the energyrequired to initiate a reaction regardless ofwhether the reaction is exothermic or endo-thermic. Activation energy is often repre-sented as an energy...[继续阅读]