These words mean to go or be together with.这三个词都表示随同、做伴进行某项活动,或跟着一起发生。Accompany implies companionship and often,with a personal subject,equality of status.Used of things,it stresses closeness of association.accompany意指陪伴某人到某处去.通常...[继续阅读]
These words mean to go or be together with.这三个词都表示随同、做伴进行某项活动,或跟着一起发生。Accompany implies companionship and often,with a personal subject,equality of status.Used of things,it stresses closeness of association.accompany意指陪伴某人到某处去.通常...[继续阅读]
These words all refer to a history or statement of actual or purported events.这几个词都指对实际的或存疑的事件所作的历史记载或陈述。An account is a factual statement of events or conditions,usually given by an eyewitness.It is not a fantasy or made-up story.It may be spoken...[继续阅读]
These words denote in common to declare a person guilty of a fault or offence.这些词均指告发或陈述某人违法、失职或犯罪的情况。Accuse is typically immediate and personal and often suggests directness or sharpness of imputation or censure.accuse是本组词中最常用的词,指直...[继续阅读]
These words are synonymous when they mean to disclose something against ones will or inclination. They usually imply some sort of pressure as that of the law or of conscience leading to the disclosure.这几个词都表示违反自己的意愿而披露某事的真相。通常指因屈服于外来压力...[继续阅读]
They are synonymous when they mean passage from one side to the other.这四个词在表示从一端(一侧)到另一端(另一侧)时同义。Across usually implies extension or passage from one side to the other.across在表示从一边到另一边时,侧重横贯或从横向切断纵向。They swa...[继续阅读]
These words agree in designating something done or the process of doing something.这几个词都指为实现某种意图所进行的具体活动,或所做的事。Act refers to the result,the thing done.An act is more frequently thought of as momentary or instantaneous and as individual.act指具体的...[继续阅读]
They mean to change someone or something to suit new circumstances or a different environment.这三个词都指人或物做些调整以适应新的环境或条件。To adapt is to fit or suit something.It distinctively implies modification to meet new conditions,frequently with the added suggestion ...[继续阅读]
These words mean equal to what is required or expected,but not exceeding it by much.这几个词都指达到应有的或能够满足需要的程度,而不超过很多。Adequate means suitable to the case or occasion. It may apply to quality as well as quantity.adequate指适合于某一特定的需要...[继续阅读]
They mean to regard with profound respect and honour.这几个词及词组均指对人或事物尊敬钦佩,怀有很深的感情,或抱有好感,感到有兴趣。Adore commonly implies love and performance of individual acts of worship that express unquestioning love and honour.adore在表示爱的意...[继续阅读]
They mean to add something unessential in order to enhance the appearance.这两个词均指加添某些并非必不可少的东西,使原物外表更美观。An element that adorns not only serves to heighten the beauty of its background or setting but also is beautiful in itself.adorn指将本身高雅...[继续阅读]