They mean movement forward in space,in time,or in approach to a material or ideal objective.这两个词都表示人或事物向前运动或发展的意思。既可用于空间和时间方面,也可以指朝着某一目标前进。Advance means forward movement.It may be used when a concrete instance...[继续阅读]
They mean movement forward in space,in time,or in approach to a material or ideal objective.这两个词都表示人或事物向前运动或发展的意思。既可用于空间和时间方面,也可以指朝着某一目标前进。Advance means forward movement.It may be used when a concrete instance...[继续阅读]
These words all mean to move or put ahead,but they come into comparison chiefly when they imply help in moving or putting (something) ahead.这四个词主要在表示促进发展,帮助提高的意思时同义,但含义略有不同。Advance usually implies effective assistance,as in hastening a pro...[继续阅读]
They denote an undertaking,an exploit,or an experience involving hazards and requiring boldness.这两个词都表示具有危险且需要勇气从事的某种事业、探险或旅行等活动。Adventure so stresses the excitement or thrills associated with the encountering of risks or hardships tha...[继续阅读]
These words come into comparison only when they are little more than vague or general terms meaning something done or dealt with.这几个词只有在泛指人类生活的活动和所遇到的社会现象时同义,都作事情、事物或事件讲。Affair suggests action or performance; it may imply...[继续阅读]
They mean to produce or to have an effect upon a person or upon a thing capable of a reaction.这几个词都指对人或能做出反应的事物起某种作用。Affect always presupposes a stimulus powerful enough to evoke a response or elicit a reaction.Often,in addition,it implies a definite alte...[继续阅读]
They mean following upon,especially in place or in time.They are rarely interchangeable,however,without a loss of precision.这两个介词都指空间的前后位置或时间的先后次序,表示在……后面,跟随……之后。它们一般不能互换使用。After usually implies order of mov...[继续阅读]
These words refer to a physical and hostile entering of someone elses territory.这三个词均指非法侵入别国领土的行径或事实。Aggression means unprovoked belligerent action,as by one nation upon the territory of another.aggression在本组词中是比较抽象和笼统的词,主要指无...[继续阅读]
They mean to come into or to be in harmony regarding a matter of opinion or a policy.这几个词都表示对某种主张、看法或政策表示相同的意见,或与他人意见相合。Agree implies unison in thought or a complete accord; even if the context suggests previous discussion,the word u...[继续阅读]
They agree in designating a settlement reached by parties to a dispute or negotiation.这几个词都指有关方面经谈判、协商后取得的一致意见,或订立的共同遵守的条款。Agreement usually implies a final settlement of terms.An agreement may or may not be put into writing;it m...[继续阅读]
They denote a place where airplanes may take off and land in safety.这几个词及词组都指飞机起飞、降落、停放的场地。Airport implies a well-marked and lighted non-military place that is used regularly and provides facilities for sheltering passengers,handling cargo,supplying fuel,...[继续阅读]