n. 乱成一片的说话声;嘈杂声,哜嘈声...[继续阅读]
n. 1. 大吹大擂,假大空的宣传:stick a trick knife through one arm to attract a crowd and then start his~将一把魔术刀插进一只胳膊来吸引观众,然后便开始他的兜揽吹嘘 2. 喧闹;呐喊:the~in the street 街市上的喧嚣声 / amid much~在一片喧嚣声中vt. &...[继续阅读]
int. 嘭(〈近〉 zonk) ‖ The kid slammed the ball—~!~!这个孩子使劲嘭嘭地击球。n. “嘭”的冲撞声(如一巨物平面撞击另一巨物平面的声音) ‖ The crates fell with~s and crashed. 这些破旧的飞机随着砰砰嘭嘭的几声巨响坠毁了。vi. 发出“...[继续阅读]
n. 1. (突发的)巨响;爆炸声;枪声;砰声(〈近〉 boom, thud, thump, whomp, crash, clap,clash, shot):close the door with a~“砰”的一声关门 / loud~s of fireworks爆竹的乒乒乓乓声 2. (带砰声的)猛击:give the ball a~“砰”的一声把球击出 / give the drum a~嘭...[继续阅读]
n. 当当声,锣声 ‖ When the gongs were beaten, there was bang-bang everywhere.人们敲起铜锣时,到处都是震天般的响声。...[继续阅读]
vi. 〈美俚〉(计算机)发出奇怪的应答声 ‖ The computer~ed when I put in the wrong password. 当我输入错误的密码时,计算机便发出古怪的声音。...[继续阅读]
n. 1.(狗)吠声(〈近〉 bowwow);(狐、松鼠等的)叫声:give several fierce (furious)~ 汪汪地狂叫了几声 2. 吠叫似的声响;短促清脆的轰响:deafening~震耳欲聋的吠叫声 / desolate~凄凉的吠叫声 3. 〈口〉咳嗽声(〈近〉 cough) 4. 厉声;厉声说出的话...[继续阅读]
n. 1.(作战时的)呐喊(声),喊杀声 2. 战斗口号,口号(〈近〉 warrison, whoop, rebel yell):raise the~发出作战助威杀声;高声喊杀 / air-rending battle cries杀声连天 / the~of freedom 自由的战斗口号 / wave flags and shout battle cries摇旗呐喊 ‖ The roll of dr...[继续阅读]