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水电水利工程地下工程地质勘察 共有 20 个词条内容

7.3 Prediction of rock burst

    7.3.1 The geological factors causing rock burst shall be studiedbased on lithology and rock mass strength, rock mass structuralcharacteristic and integrity, geostress magnitude and direction, andgroundwater active condition aspects.7.3.2 The calculation o...[继续阅读]


7.4 Prediction of water gushing and mud eruption

    7.4.1 Water gushing prediction shall be made based on thehydro-geological condition of the underground works, therelationship between the factors such as groundwater table, synclinewater collecting structure, fault fractured zone and influenced zone,joint...[继续阅读]


7.5 Prediction of ground temperature, hazardous

    gas and radioactivity7.5.1 Ground temperature prediction may be conducted with thefollowing methods.(1) The data of regional ground temperature geothermal, groundtemperature gradient value and ground surface mean annual averagetemperature value shall be c...[继续阅读]


7.6 Prediction of external water pressure

    7.6.1 The following contents shall be analyzed and studied forprediction of the external water pressure.(1) The stratigraphy and lithology, geological structure, rock masspermeability, groundwater activity, groundwater table, supply, runoff,and discharge ...[继续阅读]


7.7 Engineering geological assessment on surrounding rock stability of high water head pressure tunnel

    7.7.1 In the assessment of surrounding rocks stability of steel linedtunnel, unit elastic resistance coefficient shall be adopted to assess thecapacity of resisting the radial direction deformation, in case thesurrounding rocks cannot totally bear the inn...[继续阅读]


7.8 Engineering geological assessment on surrounding rocks stability of aircushion surge chamber

    7.8.1 The engineering geological assessment content and methodof the surrounding rocks stability with shotcrete anchorage support orconcrete lined aircushion surge chamber shall meet the requirement in7. The design air pressure of the aircushion ...[继续阅读]


8.1 lnvestigation on specific engineering geological problems

    8.1.1 The investigation of the technicality engineering geologicalproblem shall be carried out on approved feasibility study report, andthe specific engineering geological problems proposed by review offeasibility study report shall be demonstrated. The s...[继续阅读]


8.2 Construction geological works

    8.2.1 The construction geological work include two stages,excavation period and final cross section period. When full sectionconstruction is adopted, the work may be finished once.8.2.2 The construction geological work in excavation period shallinclude th...[继续阅读]


8.3 Geological works in surrounding rocks treatment

    8.3.1 Based on the rechecked engineering geological classificationof surrounding rocks, the advice on support adjustment shall beproposed.8.3.2 According to the unfavorable combination of thediscontinuity, the advice on local reinforcement treatment of th...[继续阅读]


8.4 Geological works for surrounding rocks monitoring

    8.4.1 Based on the geological conditions and stability ofsurrounding rocks disclosed in construction excavation, the opinionand advice on the deformation monitoring shall be proposed.8.4.2 Surrounding rocks monitoring should include the followingcontents....[继续阅读]

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