put; lay; position ;① 将浸泡过凝血酶的明胶海绵安放到欲封闭部位的上方。① Thrombin-soaked Gelfoam is laid over the site to be sealed.② 将病人安放到侧卧位,使病人头部和颈部保持在一条线上。② The patient should be put in the lateral position to maint......(本文共 277 字) [阅读本文] >>
 put; lay; position ;① 将浸泡过凝血酶的明胶海绵安放到欲封闭部位的上方。① Thrombin-soaked Gelfoam is laid over the site to be sealed.② 将病人安放到侧卧位,使病人头部和颈部保持在一条线上。② The patient should be put in the lateral position to maint......(本文共 277 字) [阅读本文] >>