1.(逐个) one by one; in turn; one after another ;2.(靠近) be close/next to ① 在不断冲洗的情况下,小心地挨个儿将其切除,以便不引起新的出血。① These must be carefully removed one by one under constant irrigation so as not to cause additional bleeding.② 新德里的市...[继续阅读]
1.(逐个) one by one; in turn; one after another ;2.(靠近) be close/next to ① 在不断冲洗的情况下,小心地挨个儿将其切除,以便不引起新的出血。① These must be carefully removed one by one under constant irrigation so as not to cause additional bleeding.② 新德里的市...[继续阅读]
(模棱两可;意向含糊) ambiguous; dubious① 格拉斯哥昏迷量表为医护人员提供了迅速确定昏迷病人昏迷程度的方法,从而避免使用诸如“昏睡”、“昏迷”、“感觉迟钝”等暧昧的词汇。① The Glasgow Coma Scale provides paramedics, nurses, and phys...[继续阅读]
1.(安定;安逸) calm; at ease; easy ;2.(平安) safe 3.(安装;设立) fix; install;insert① 如有必要,为使病人安静下来可静脉注射麻醉药。① If needed, an intravenous injection of anesthetic agents calms the patient.② 放松是评价许多功能的关键。消除病人疑虑...[继续阅读]
insert; place in a certain position; be assigned to; seat; put into;① 把肌肉牵开器安插到手术部位。① A retractor is put into the operative site.② 1910年LEspinase将儿科膀胱镜安插到两个患脑积水婴儿的脑室内。② In 1910, LEspinase inserted a pediatric cystoscope...[继续阅读]
(镇静) calm; tranquilization; reassure① 在做影像检查时,为了防止因震颤或过度活动造成影像失真,必要时可静脉注射5~10mg的氟西泮,以使病人安定下来。① If needed, an intravenous injection of 5 to 10 mg of flurazepam calms the patient during the imaging stu...[继续阅读]
put; lay; position ;① 将浸泡过凝血酶的明胶海绵安放到欲封闭部位的上方。① Thrombin-soaked Gelfoam is laid over the site to be sealed.② 将病人安放到侧卧位,使病人头部和颈部保持在一条线上。② The patient should be put in the lateral position to maint...[继续阅读]
quiet; silence; peaceful; at rest;① 我们认为手术室应该安静。① The authors believe that the operating room should be quiet.② 在没有环境刺激的情况下,昏睡病病人一般是安静地躺着或睡眠。② In the absence of environmental stimuli, patients with lethargy usuall...[继续阅读]
euthanasia; euthanize;① 在很多国家,医生施行安乐死是违法的。① It is against the law for doctor to practice euthanasia in many countries.② 在最后一次照射后给动物注射戊巴比妥,使之安乐死。② Animals were euthanized by injection of pentobarbital after termina...[继续阅读]