to; to think; to; to;① 从生理学角度考虑,把肺部的气管看做是由两个主要区段组成的。① From a physiological standpoint, the airways of the lung can be thought of as being composed of two main zones.② 因此,应把脊柱后侧突看做...[继续阅读]
to; to think; to; to;① 从生理学角度考虑,把肺部的气管看做是由两个主要区段组成的。① From a physiological standpoint, the airways of the lung can be thought of as being composed of two main zones.② 因此,应把脊柱后侧突看做...[继续阅读]
check strictly on; guarantee; ensure ;① 严把调查质量关。① To check strictly on the quality of the survey.② 把好化学分析质量关。② To guarantee/ensure the quality of chemical analysis....[继续阅读]
1.(握;抓住) hold; grasp ;2.(成功的可能性) certainty; be confident ① 用双手把握住腿。① The leg is grasped with both hands.② 如同瓣膜功能失常一样,唯有通过手术才能有把握地诊断腹腔导管功能失调。② Like valve malfunction, peritoneal catheter dysfu...[继续阅读]
target ;① 在大多数情况下,毒物的选择性与毒物在靶器官和非靶器官的代谢差异有密切关系。① In most cases, selectivity of poisons is closely associated with differences in the target and nontarget organs.② 有时,靶细胞和非靶细胞对外来毒物的代谢途径相...[继续阅读]
1.(白色) white ;2.(清楚;明白) clear; make clear; plain 3.(空白) blank; empty 4.(没有效果;徒然)in vain; for nothing; futile① 他们逐渐明白,滥用毒性大的杀虫剂的结果可能是危险的。① They are beginning to realize that the indiscriminate use of highly toxic p...[继续阅读]
1.(数目) hundred; hecto- ;2.(比喻很多) numerous; variety; all kinds of ① 患Ⅰ型多发性神经纤维瘤的病人可能潜藏着几百个皮肤和内脏的神经纤维瘤。① Patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 may harbor hundreds of cutaneous and visceral neurofibromas.② 神农尝百...[继续阅读]
percentage ;① 急性广泛性肾皮质坏死的特征是肾小球血栓栓塞的百分比很高。① Acute extensive cortical necrosis is characterized by a large percentage of thrombosed glomeruli....[继续阅读]
percent; per cent ;① 41%的肿瘤为星形细胞瘤,22%为原始神经外胚层瘤,20%为脉络丛乳头状瘤。① Forty-one per cent of tumors were astrocytomas,22 per cent were primitive neuroectodermal tumors, and 20 per cent were choroid plexus papillomas.② 该组病人中3.2%为慢性高血压...[继续阅读]