put in order;① 在进行实验之前,所有仪器都应安排就绪。① All the instruments should be put in order before the beginning of an experiment....[继续阅读]
put in order;① 在进行实验之前,所有仪器都应安排就绪。① All the instruments should be put in order before the beginning of an experiment....[继续阅读]
safe; safety; secure; security;① 有人认为,有效剂量和中毒剂量之间有个相当宽的安全剂量范围。① A significant margin of safety between the effective and toxic doses is claimed. ② 获得有关受伤过程的信息,提供安全、快速的运输工具,将病人送至医疗条...[继续阅读]
tranquilize; tranquilization ;① 氯硝安定可以安神。① Clonazepam may relieve uneasiness of mind.② 酸枣仁具有安神的作用。② Semen Ziziphi Spinosae have the effective of body tranquilization....[继续阅读]
reassure; reassuring; set / put ones mind at rest; feel at ease;① 你安心工作,你就能成为一个很好的医生。① You could be a very good doctor if you set your mind to work....[继续阅读]
comfort; consolation ;① 医生的访视给病人一些安慰。① Physicians visits gave some comfort to the patient.② 医生给病人极大的安慰。② Physicians took great comfort to the patients.③ 你的陪伴对我是个莫大的安慰。③ Your company has been a great consolation to...[继续阅读]
placebo ;① 在实验设计中,使用安慰剂以消除观察者的偏倚。① A placebo is used to eliminate observer bias in an experimental setting.② 安慰剂是设计虚拟医疗的一种干预性措施。② A placebo is an intervention designed to simulate medical therapy....[继续阅读]
position; place; put sth. in place; locate; emplace ;① 一旦将套管安置到位,就把可脱性球囊插入动脉瘤中。① Once the sheath was positioned, detachable balloons were introduced into aneurysm.② 将病人安置在坐位。② The patient is placed in the sitting position....[继续阅读]
set up; install; mount; fit; fix; insertion ;① 在损伤部位或靠近损伤部位安装异位启动器,启动器的冲动在丘脑脊髓束传送,从而引起这种疼痛。① Such pain may be caused by ectopic generators set up at or proximal to the lesion site, whose impulses are transmitted i...[继续阅读]