· 句意 ·年少时如果不努力,老来一事无成,就只能空自悲伤惋惜。说明了珍惜青春、珍惜时光,及时发奋努力的重要性。· 英译 ·If you dont work hard when you are young, there will be no use regretting or being sad when you are old.To persuade young people ......(本文共 262 字) [阅读本文] >>
 · 句意 ·年少时如果不努力,老来一事无成,就只能空自悲伤惋惜。说明了珍惜青春、珍惜时光,及时发奋努力的重要性。· 英译 ·If you dont work hard when you are young, there will be no use regretting or being sad when you are old.To persuade young people ......(本文共 262 字) [阅读本文] >>