have gentle concern for the old and the very young; give one’s loving goodness to old and young alike/以及家中仆从老小,想他素日怜贫惜贱、~之恩,莫不悲号痛哭。(《红楼梦》146)①…while not one of the servants but wept for grief recollecting her compassion for the poo...[继续阅读]
have gentle concern for the old and the very young; give one’s loving goodness to old and young alike/以及家中仆从老小,想他素日怜贫惜贱、~之恩,莫不悲号痛哭。(《红楼梦》146)①…while not one of the servants but wept for grief recollecting her compassion for the poo...[继续阅读]
(treat sb) in a cavalier fashion; attend to sb half-heartedly; look cold and indifferent; nonchalantly;be stand-offish/对人总是~的,却常喜欢管别人的闲事;……(鲁迅《彷徨·孤独者》88) He treated others in a cavalier fashion,yet liked to concern himself with their affairs; …...[继续阅读]
love the people as (/like)one’s own children/我们况太爷是出名的~,包公再世。今天监斩的就是他。(朱素臣《十五贯》25) Everyone knows Prefect Kuang loves the people like his own children: he’s a second Prefect Bao. He’s to supervise the execution today....[继续阅读]
be glad (/willing) to help but powerless to render assistance; be sym pathetic but unable to help; be unable to help sb even though one wants (/would like) to; cannot offer help in spite of sympathy;feel sorry that one is not in a position to (give) help/...[继续阅读]
want to be related/你若不弃嫌,就把与你做个孙媳妇。你我~,我不争你的财礼,你也不争我的装奁,只要做几件布草衣服。(《儒林外史》255) If you have no objection,I will give her to your boy. Since we want to be related,I wouldn’t ask you for any presents and y...[继续阅读]
love (a child) like one’s own/阿姨们对孩子~,家长们都十分感激。The nurses love the children like their own,so all the parents are very grateful....[继续阅读]
be talkative and often giggle; be lively/你妹妹~,心情总是非常愉快。Your sister is talkative and giggles a lot. She is always in a very happy mood....[继续阅读]
be a drag (/hindrance/nuisance): become an encumbrance (/inconve nience) to (sb); be cumbersome (/cumbrous);hamper; hinder; impede; incommode; stand (/get/be)in the way (of sb)/有了孩子,会~,耽搁工夫。(周立波《山乡巨变》 2) Children would be a drag and would slow down the wo...[继续阅读]