a father-in-law or mother in-law/不痴不聋,不作~。(赵璘《因话录》一) If you suffer from neither senile dementis nor deafness,you cannot be a father-in-law or mother-in-law....[继续阅读]
a father-in-law or mother in-law/不痴不聋,不作~。(赵璘《因话录》一) If you suffer from neither senile dementis nor deafness,you cannot be a father-in-law or mother-in-law....[继续阅读]
dirty; filthy/里头是~的两间头发铺。(《儿女英雄传》三十二 ) Inside were two filthy rooms of a hair shop....[继续阅读]
(a) filthy (thing)/你这个~! 有甚么言语,在外人处说来,欺负老娘! (《水浒全传》289) You filthy thing! What rumours are you spreading—slandering me?...[继续阅读]
a dirty rogue/俺只道那个郑大官人,却原来是杀猪的郑屠。这个~,投托着俺小种经略相公门下做个肉铺户,却原来这等欺负人! (《水浒全传》37)So Master Zheng is only Zheng the pig-sticker,the dirty rogue who runs a butcher shop under the patronage of Young Gene...[继续阅读]
an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win (/be victo rious)/故抗兵相加,哀者胜矣。(《老子》六十九)There fore when armies are mobilized and issues joined,the man who is sorry over the fact will win./南原大战后,李自成并没有灰心,他深信~。After the batt...[继续阅读]
〔of a piece of writing〕 be deeply felt but not sentimental;〔of a person〕 be mournful but not distressed; grief without being hurtfully excessive; be tragic yet restrained/《关雎》乐而不淫, ~。 (《论语·八佾》) The Guan Ju is expressive of enjoyment without being licentio...[继续阅读]
be melancholy and beautiful/符兆纶评之曰:“词赋名家,却非说部当行,其淋漓尽致处,亦是从词赋中发泄出来,~。” (鲁迅《中国小说史略》228) Thus Fu Zhaolun commented: “The author was a talented poet but a novice in the writing of fiction. His most moving passag...[继续阅读]
a land (/the countryside) swarming with famished refugees;disaster victims moaning everywhere; starving people fill the land/鸿雁于飞,哀鸣嗷嗷。(《诗经·小雅·鸿雁》)The wild geese are flying about,| And melancholy is their cry./那次地震发生后,成千上万的人流离失所,~。...[继续阅读]