一般系指病因不明的周围性 面神经麻痹。起病急,多为单侧,病初 可有耳内或耳后疼痛,常有发烧、耳鸣、听力困难及颈项强硬,继而出现受累侧表情肌迟 缓性瘫痪,表现为额肌、皱眉肌、眼轮匝肌、鼻 肌、口周围肌、颈阔肌等功能丧...[继续阅读]
一般系指病因不明的周围性 面神经麻痹。起病急,多为单侧,病初 可有耳内或耳后疼痛,常有发烧、耳鸣、听力困难及颈项强硬,继而出现受累侧表情肌迟 缓性瘫痪,表现为额肌、皱眉肌、眼轮匝肌、鼻 肌、口周围肌、颈阔肌等功能丧...[继续阅读]
is applied to those cases of peripheral facial paralysis in which the e tiology is unknown. It is acute in onset and almost always unilateral. Initially, pain within or behind the ear is complained of Frequently there is fever,tinnitus,difficulty in heari...[继续阅读]
简称丘脑,是一大的卵圆形 团块,位于第三脑室的两侧,间脑的背 侧部,斜跨大脑脚的上端。其前端狭小,略向 前上方隆凸,构成丘脑前结节;后端膨大,称 为枕,突向背外侧,遮盖在内侧膝状体的背外 方;内侧面上有一灰质横桥,称丘脑间粘合...[继续阅读]
is a very large oval mass consisting chiefly of gray substance. It is located at the dorsal part of the dien cephalon and obliquely across the rostral end of the cerebral peduncle and betweenthe two thalami is the third ventricle,a deep median cleft. The ...[继续阅读]
is located between the nuclei of the midline and the internalmedullary lamina,extending anteriorly to the anterior ventral nucleus and connect ing posteriorly with the centromedian nu cleus and the parafascicular nucleus. It is composed of small and large...[继续阅读]
is the most ante rior part of the ventral group of the lateralnuclei of the thalamus,extending along the dorsal border of the internal medullary lamina. It recieves mainly the fibers from the ventral lateral nucleus and the ventral posterior nucleus. Effe...[继续阅读]
Loss of proprioception (joint position sensation etc. ) may result in poorly judged movement, the mcoordi nation becoming aggravated when the eyes are closed. It is often seen in spinal cord diseases....[继续阅读]