Besides the positive sensorial characteristics,more and more quality encloses also hygiene,purity,and typicity.品质(概念):除了优良的感官特征,葡萄酒的品质越来越多地包括卫生、纯粹性和典型性等内容。Qualità (concetto)(意)Qualité (concept)(法)...[继续阅读]
Besides the positive sensorial characteristics,more and more quality encloses also hygiene,purity,and typicity.品质(概念):除了优良的感官特征,葡萄酒的品质越来越多地包括卫生、纯粹性和典型性等内容。Qualità (concetto)(意)Qualité (concept)(法)...[继续阅读]
It is the positive natural value of wine. If adulterated,wine looses such a potential and,consequently,its quality.纯粹性:它是葡萄酒优异的天然品质。如果掺入了次品,葡萄酒就丧失了这一潜质,品质也随之降低。Genuinità(意)Pureté(法)...[继续阅读]
It is made up of grapes variety,geographical provenance,andat times- vintage year. Different wines from different areas demand different sets of characteristics. Without typicity,even a nice tasting wine can’t be a quality wine.典型性、代表性:葡萄酒的典型性来自于葡萄的品种、产...[继续阅读]
It is regarded as the first condition for the production of quality wine. The aim of the sanitation procedures is to avoid the negative effects of bacteria and wild yeast. Thus,great attention has to be given to winery equipment and cleaning operations.葡萄...[继续阅读]
Designate and guarantee the quality of a given wine.命名:葡萄酒品质的标明和保证。Denominazione(意)Dénomination(法)...[继续阅读]
European Regulatory wine system whose laws protect the quality of the wines by specifying production zone,grape varieties,alcohol levels,top yields per hectare,wine making process,sensory,chemical and physical characters.“原产地命名控制”(AOC):欧洲的葡萄酒规章系统。它的条例通过...[继续阅读]
The next step above DOC in Italy’s regulatory wine system. It represents the highest level of quality among Italian wines.“保证及控制来源命名”(DOCG):意大利葡萄酒管理体系中高于DOC的级别。它代表着意大利葡萄酒的最高质量水准。DOCG (意)DOCG (法)...[继续阅读]
This is the European regulatory system,although each country has a different way to express quality. The European Community makes a clear distinction between “quality wine” and “table wine”.“限定产区出产优质葡萄酒”(V.Q.P.R.D.):各国采用不同的体系对葡萄酒品质进行划...[继续阅读]
Official document issued by the authority or by the sender under the control of the authority,accompanying packages of wines or spirits which are transported with duty having been paid.消费税证书:由官方或发货人在官方监督下签署的正式文件,伴随葡萄酒和烈性酒的流通运输...[继续阅读]