Small piece of paper,mostly rectangular,which is stuck on a bottle,a cartoon box,etc.,used to identify the wine,the domain,the producer or the vendor.标签:贴在酒瓶或纸箱上的纸质标注,多为长方形,用于鉴别确认葡萄酒、葡萄酒的产地、生产商或销售商。Etichetta (意...[继续阅读]
Small piece of paper,mostly rectangular,which is stuck on a bottle,a cartoon box,etc.,used to identify the wine,the domain,the producer or the vendor.标签:贴在酒瓶或纸箱上的纸质标注,多为长方形,用于鉴别确认葡萄酒、葡萄酒的产地、生产商或销售商。Etichetta (意...[继续阅读]
Special mark on the label on a bottle of wine guaranteeing the authenticity of its origin and the quality.优质印签:葡萄酒瓶标签上的特殊标记,是对葡萄酒来源真实性和品质的保证。Sigillo di qualità(意)Sceau de qualité(法)...[继续阅读]
Name or mark used in commerce to identify a wine or a vendor in a unique商业名称或印记,是标明葡萄酒或卖主身份的独特方式。Marca(意)Marque(法)...[继续阅读]
An associative organism of grape growers which collectively grow grapes and share the profit (Co-operative of vine growers). Association of vineyard proprietors whose purpose is to make wine from the grapes of its members,usually in its own co-operative w...[继续阅读]
Botanical family which includes the wild and cultivated vines.葡萄科:植物学中的一个科,包括各种野生和栽培葡萄。Ampelidee(意)Ampélidées(法)...[继续阅读]
Wild vines which bear fruits and are found in the forests and elsewhere.野生葡萄:在森林及其他地点发现的结果的野葡萄藤。Viti selvatiche(意)Cépages sauvages(法)...[继续阅读]
Vine of one of the American species of Vitis. Some are used as phylloxera-resistant stocks and for hybridizing with Vitis vinifera.美洲种葡萄:葡萄科中的一个美洲种。其中的一些可用做抗根瘤芽的砧木,或作为亲本与欧洲种葡萄杂交。Vite americana(意)Vigne américa...[继续阅读]
Vines resulting from hybridization of Vitis vinifera with American species.欧美杂交种:由欧洲种葡萄与美洲种葡萄杂交所获得的品种。Franco-americano(意)Franco-américain (法)...[继续阅读]