extreme joy begets sorrow指欢乐到极点转而发生悲哀的事,例比赛未到最后关头切莫高兴得太早,以免乐极生悲。In a match,don’t count your eggs too soon or you may be bitterly disappointed...[继续阅读]
extreme joy begets sorrow指欢乐到极点转而发生悲哀的事,例比赛未到最后关头切莫高兴得太早,以免乐极生悲。In a match,don’t count your eggs too soon or you may be bitterly disappointed...[继续阅读]
wild with joy形容十分欢喜,例爸爸提议星期日去郊游,全家马上欢天喜地地举手赞成。The whole family was wild with joy when father suggested spending Sunday out in the country....[继续阅读]
be elated非常高兴和兴奋,例 敌人投降的消息传来,大家莫不欢欣鼓舞。When news of the enemy’s surrender was received,the people went wild with joy...[继续阅读]
deafening cheers欢呼声像天上响雷一样,例校长在台上宣布放假一天,台下立刻欢声雷动。With deafening cheers the children greeted the headmaster’s announcement of a holiday for tomorrow....[继续阅读]
look forward to relief from distress形容盼望的迫切,例市民们以大旱望云霓的迫切心情,盼望市政府尽快修复这条干线公路。The greatest desire of the citizens would be that the municipal government would repair the main highway as soon as possible....[继续阅读]
one’s thoughts fly to (a place or a person)形容一心一意的向往,例黄山是令人心驰神往的胜地。今天终于来到它的脚下。Here I am finally at the foot of Huang Shan—the scenic spot where most people would long to be....[继续阅读]
yearn to be somebody or desire something greatly形容对某人或某些事物心里很羡慕,例身为一名演员能出演这个角色是她心向往之的,如今终于得偿夙愿。When an actress is finally able to play the part she has long wanted to,her desire has been fulfilled....[继续阅读]
what one had hoped would happen has come to pass庆幸事情合于人的意愿,例他苦读有成,终于考进心目中理想的大学,真是天从人愿。When,after years of hard study,he entered the university of his choice,his longed for wish was realized....[继续阅读]