yearn for something day and night形容迫切的期望,例和平是经历战乱的人们所梦寐以求的。War-torn people yearn for peace day and night....[继续阅读]
yearn for something day and night形容迫切的期望,例和平是经历战乱的人们所梦寐以求的。War-torn people yearn for peace day and night....[继续阅读]
one must take practical steps to achieve one’s aim比喻只作空想,而不去找实际办法,例理想必须配合实际的行动,只临渊羡鱼是无法达成愿望的。Ideals must be supported by reality—it is no use to stand by a pond and long for fish....[继续阅读]
be greatly disappointed非常失望,例我从远地赶来看戏,但戏院早已客满,使我大失所望。I rushed here from afar to see the play,but to my great disappointment tickets were sold out....[继续阅读]
the game is as good as lost指局面恶化到无可挽救的地步,例京都失陷之后,他们知道大势已去,不得不准备无条件讲和。After the fall of the capital,they realized the situation was hopeless and began to think of negotiating without preconditions....[继续阅读]
irremediable形容事物败坏到不可救药的地步,例如果当初一有问题时立刻提出来解决,就不至于演变成今天这般不可收拾的地步。When problems first appeared they should have been tackled and not left to get out of hand like today....[继续阅读]
incorrigible比喻坏到无法挽救的地步,例人总是会犯错误的,但真正不可救药的却很少。No one can avoid making mistakes,but fortunately really incorrigible ones are few and far between....[继续阅读]
go up in smoke水泡和影子很快就消失,形容希望落空,例自从他失明后,一切研究计划都化为泡影,所以他的情绪十分低落。Since he lost his sight,all his research plans went up in smoke and he is feeling utterly despondent now....[继续阅读]
previous efforts are wasted or all hopes come to nothing比喻前功尽弃或希望落空,例尽管你费了那么多的心血、时间和金钱,结果却全部付之东流!To think all your plans have come t o nothing,in spite of all your painstaking labour,time and money....[继续阅读]