indulge in wishful thinking比喻随心所欲的设想、打算或计划,例在这一场桥牌比赛中,对手打错了如意算盘,结果大输特输。When the opposing pair in the bridge contest smugly miscalculated and played the wrong card,they were doomed to lose....[继续阅读]
indulge in wishful thinking比喻随心所欲的设想、打算或计划,例在这一场桥牌比赛中,对手打错了如意算盘,结果大输特输。When the opposing pair in the bridge contest smugly miscalculated and played the wrong card,they were doomed to lose....[继续阅读]
have one’s wishes fulfilled满足于自己的心愿,例他申请人团终于批准了,总算如愿以偿。His desire was fulfilled when finally he was accepted by the Youth League....[继续阅读]
consider it a pleasure to be among the first to read (a poem,article,etc.) or see (a play,film,etc.)能先看到才快乐之极,例这本书闻名已久,现在听说译本已经出版,大家都想先睹为快。Now that this famous book has finally been translated and published. People can’t wait t...[继续阅读]
just what one would wish for求也求不到的意思,例参加南极探险队是求之不得的好机会,你务必做好充分准备。What a chance of being chosen to join the Antarctica Exploratory Team,you must start making your preparations....[继续阅读]
wait expectantly (for something to happen)形容盼望或确信某件事情的出现,例新任市长有心大力整顿本市的交通,且让我们拭目以待。We must wait and see if the newly appointed mayor can straighten out the traffic which he has promised to do....[继续阅读]
as long as the mountain is green,there will be firewood; as long as there is life,there is hope比喻只要还有生命,就有将来和希望,例虽然这场大火使他的一切都付之一炬,但他相信留得青山在,不怕没柴烧,他很快就能再站起来。Though everything was lost in the...[继续阅读]
hope one’s children will have a bright future希望儿子能成为出人头地的人物,例儿子不学好,使他们老两口望子成龙的希望破灭了。The old couple’s hopes were shattered when they saw their son’ s bright future fade away because of misbehaviour....[继续阅读]
await with great expectation形容盼望得十分殷切,例他一去十载,音讯全无,家人盼望他的片纸只字,简直望穿秋水。After an absence of ten years,his family anxiously awaits a few lines from him....[继续阅读]