指与机体某些组织或器官的生理机能有关的8个穴位。即:气会膻中穴,血会膈俞穴,骨会大杼穴,筋会阳陵泉穴,髓会绝骨穴,脉会太渊穴,脏会章门穴,腑会中脘穴。They are the eight important acu-puncture points related to physiologicfunctions of certain ti...[继续阅读]
指与机体某些组织或器官的生理机能有关的8个穴位。即:气会膻中穴,血会膈俞穴,骨会大杼穴,筋会阳陵泉穴,髓会绝骨穴,脉会太渊穴,脏会章门穴,腑会中脘穴。They are the eight important acu-puncture points related to physiologicfunctions of certain ti...[继续阅读]
指上髎、次髎、中髎、下髎,双侧共8穴,位在腰尻间。主治:腰部疾患。Bilateral Shangliao (BL31),Cil-iao (BL32),Zhongliao (BL33),andXialiao (BL34),altogether eightpoints,located between the loins andbuttock,Main indications: Lumbardiseases....[继续阅读]
奇经八脉和十二正经在四肢部的8个会合穴。Eight points located at the extremi-ties connecting the eight extraordinarymeridians with the twelve regular meridians....[继续阅读]
经外奇穴名。在手背侧,微握拳,第1~5指间,指蹼缘后方赤白肉际处,左右共8穴。主治:烦热,手指麻木,手臂拘挛,手背红肿等。The name of the extraordinarypoint. They are on the dorsum of thehand,at the junction of the white andred skin of the hand web,eight in all....[继续阅读]
指两侧肘、腋、股、腘的凹陷部,五脏有病时可出现异常反应。The bilateral armpit,arconeal fos-sa and popliteal fossa which can mani-fest abnormal symptoms which the fiveviscera suffer from diseases....[继续阅读]
指以竹罐或玻璃罐为工具,利用热力排除罐内空气而造成负压,使之吸附于体表的一定穴位或患处的治疗方法。The application to an acupuncturepoint or an affected area of the body ofthe bamboo or glass cup from which theair has been expelled with heat to createa nega...[继续阅读]
阴道分泌的白色黏液,正常情况下,白带量少色淡,无臭;如果白带增多,颜色和臭味改变,则属于病态。治宜健脾益气、利湿止带。取穴:气海、带脉、白环俞、三阴交、足三里、中极。A whitish viscid discharge from thevagina.It is considered as norm...[继续阅读]