指患者局部的体表反应点。哪里有病痛就在那里取穴。The trigger point,i. e. the ten-der locus of the affected region. It isused as the acupuncture point for treatment....[继续阅读]
指患者局部的体表反应点。哪里有病痛就在那里取穴。The trigger point,i. e. the ten-der locus of the affected region. It isused as the acupuncture point for treatment....[继续阅读]
艾灸时以火力的大小区分补泻,补法时让其慢慢燃点,泻法时宜吹旺艾火。Reinforcing and reducing in moxi-bustion are manifested as the intensity ofthe fire. For reinforcing,the moxashould be burned slowly while for re-ducing,the moxa should be blown theburn more intensely....[继续阅读]
指干燥艾叶经粉碎制成的纤维绒状物质。Fiber-like substances made bygrinding dried leaves of the mugwort(Artemisia argyi Levl. et vant,or Ar-temisia vulgaris L.)....[继续阅读]
将艾条点燃后离体表穴位1~4cm进行灸治的方法。A burning stick of the mugwort,about 1-4cm,away from the body surface....[继续阅读]
叶入药。用于散寒止痛,温经止血,并用于针灸。Dried leaves of Artemisia argyi(compositae),used as a drug to dis-perse cold and relieve pain,to warmthe meridians and stop bleeding,andused for moxibustion....[继续阅读]
将圆锥形艾柱放在穴位上点燃进行灸治的方法。Moxibustion with a burning cone atan acupuncture point on the body surface....[继续阅读]