经外奇穴名。定位:在项部,当大椎直上2寸,后正中线旁开1寸。主治:瘰疬,咳喘,项强等。The name of the extraordinarypoint. Location: 2 Cun above Dazhui(DU14) and 1Cun lateral to the posteri-or midline. Indication: Scrofula,cough,asthma,neck rigidity,etc....[继续阅读]
经外奇穴名。定位:在项部,当大椎直上2寸,后正中线旁开1寸。主治:瘰疬,咳喘,项强等。The name of the extraordinarypoint. Location: 2 Cun above Dazhui(DU14) and 1Cun lateral to the posteri-or midline. Indication: Scrofula,cough,asthma,neck rigidity,etc....[继续阅读]
一种流行于冬季的传染病,以5岁以下婴幼儿为多见。临床以阵发性、痉挛性咳嗽和痉咳后伴有特殊的吸气性回声为特征。治宜健脾补肺。取穴:大椎、丰隆、尺泽、身柱。Infectious disease occurring fre-quently in winter and spring,mostlyseen in chi...[继续阅读]
又称油风。指在短期内发生头发成片脱落,皮红光泽或伴有瘙痒的一种疾病。多由血虚生风、风盛火燥、发失濡养所致。治宜养血祛风、活血化瘀。取穴:阿是穴、百会、风池、膈俞、足三里、三阴交。Patchy loss of hair on the scalp oc-cu...[继续阅读]
指将艾柱直接放在体表穴位的皮肤上燃烧,促使局部化脓,产生水泡,最后结痂,形成瘢痕的灸法。A mugwort cone is burnt direct onthe skin at an acupuncture point so thata small blister is formed. As a result ascar is formed after the lesion is healed....[继续阅读]
五刺法之一。即刺入很浅,并很快拔针,不伤肌肉,如拔毛状。这是古代应用于治疗肺病的一种针法。One of the Five Needling tech-niques to insert the needle very superfi-cially and withdraw it very swiftly sothat the muscles are not injured. It wasused for treating pulmo...[继续阅读]
一侧肢体瘫痪的病状,多见于中风后遗症。治宜通经活络、补益肝肾。取穴:肩髃、曲池、合谷、阳溪、髀关、梁丘、足三里、解溪、肝俞、肾俞。Paralysis of one side or the body,commonly seen in the sequelae of apo-plexy. Treatment principle: Clear andac...[继续阅读]
身体半边或上下半身麻木的症状。治宜通经活络。取穴:内关、水沟、极泉、少海、委中、三阴交。Numbness or loss of sensation ofone side,or the upper or lower part ofthe body. Treatment principle: Clearand activate the meridians and collater-als. Point selecting: Nei...[继续阅读]