释义安于清贫的境遇,乐于奉行自己尊崇的道德准则。happy to lead a simple, virtuous life / live a simple, happy life / be content with poverty例句 劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络,开过的方子也很多,但都没有十全大补的功效。Since ancient t...[继续阅读]
释义安于清贫的境遇,乐于奉行自己尊崇的道德准则。happy to lead a simple, virtuous life / live a simple, happy life / be content with poverty例句 劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络,开过的方子也很多,但都没有十全大补的功效。Since ancient t...[继续阅读]
释义平安无事,没有疾病和忧患。safe and sound / safe and not damaged / get [come] off with a whole skin例句 两个男孩为洪水所困,爬上一块突起的岩石,在那里安然无恙,直到人们前去营救。Cut off by the rising waters, the two boys climbed on to a ledge of rock...[继续阅读]
释义像磐石一样稳固,不可动摇。be as solid as a rock / secure as a huge rock例句 他想他安如磐石,谁敢动他?He thought that he was as solid as a rock.Who dares to move him?提示 Cf. 安如泰山as stable as Mount Tai(近义)...[继续阅读]
释义不管平安还是危险,都共同面对。stick together in security as well as in danger /share both security and danger例句 在那种情况下,两兄弟决定安危与共。In that case, the two brothers were determined to stick together in security as well as in danger....[继续阅读]
也作“安营下寨”。释义军队架起帐篷,建好栅栏驻扎。借指建立临时住所。pitch a camp / encamp ( ones troops)/ camp例句 为了保持生态平衡,许多伐木工人现在都变成了植树的人,在山上安营扎寨。In order to keep balance of nature, many tree-cutt...[继续阅读]
释义满足于目前的状况,不思进取。be content with things as they are / be satisfied with the existing state of affairs / stop at home / come to terms with ones existence例句 难道你就不想改善改善生活,而只是安于现状,无所事事吗?Dont you want to do something better...[继续阅读]
释义使军队暂不行动,等待时机。泛指不采取行动。not throw the troops into battle / not make any move / take no action / bide ones time例句 大家都在复习迎考,你怎么还按兵不动呢?Everyone is preparing for the exams.How come you still make no move?...[继续阅读]
释义做事按照一定的条理或程序。proceed in order / work strictly by protocal / keep to conventional ways of doing things / in an orderly way / learn to say before you sing / run before you leap / creep before you walk例句 学习科学知识应该按部就班, 循序渐进。Scientif...[继续阅读]