释义暗中放冷箭伤人。比喻用阴谋手段暗害人。wound sb with a sniping arrow / stab sb in the back / make sniping attacks / hit sb below the belt例句 一个真正的人应该光明磊落,决不要暗箭伤人。A real man should be open and aboveboard, never wound others with sni...[继续阅读]
释义暗中放冷箭伤人。比喻用阴谋手段暗害人。wound sb with a sniping arrow / stab sb in the back / make sniping attacks / hit sb below the belt例句 一个真正的人应该光明磊落,决不要暗箭伤人。A real man should be open and aboveboard, never wound others with sni...[继续阅读]
释义暗地里眉目传情。也比喻献媚取宠,暗中勾结。make eyes at sb / make secret overtures to sb / stealthily give sb the glad eye / leer at例句 女孩对那个英俊的年轻人暗送秋波, 后者却全然无知。The girl made secret overtures to that handsome young man,and t...[继续阅读]
释义形容内心沮丧,神情忧伤。feel dejected / feel depressed例句 人们都走了,他还坐在那里黯然神伤。All other people had gone, and he still sat there depressed....[继续阅读]
释义相形见绌,仿佛失去了原有的色泽或光彩。be overshadowed / pale into insignificance / pale by comparison / be eclipsed / take shine off例句 她的歌声使对手们黯然失色。Her singing eclipsed that of her rivals....[继续阅读]
释义仰起头大步向前。形容精神振奋或态度傲慢。stride proudly ahead / march forward with head up / stride forward with ones chin up / chin up and chest out例句 让我们在社会主义道路上昂首阔步地前进。Lets stride proudly ahead on the road of socialism....[继续阅读]
释义仰起头,挺起胸。形容无所畏惧或态度坚决。hold ones head up / carry ones head high / fling back ones head例句 他既然被证明无罪,自然又可以昂首挺胸了。Now that he has been proved not guilty, he can hold his head up once more....[继续阅读]
释义传说八仙各有法术过海而不用舟船。比喻各有一套办法,或各自拿出本领,互相竞赛。like the Eight Immortals (in a legend) crossing the sea,each one showing his [her] special prowess / vie with each other例句 正是八仙过海,各显神通!It is really like the E...[继续阅读]
释义把禾苗往上拔,以帮助其生长。比喻违反事物发展规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄糟了。help the rice shoots grow by pulling them up例句 培养孩子尽可能不要拔苗助长。Try to avoid helping the rice shoots grow by pulling them up while training children....[继续阅读]