释义徒劳的操心。scheme in vain / make plans to no avail例句 你为他们所做的一切都是白费心机。What you have done for them is to scheme in vain....[继续阅读]
释义徒劳的操心。scheme in vain / make plans to no avail例句 你为他们所做的一切都是白费心机。What you have done for them is to scheme in vain....[继续阅读]
释义大白天做梦。比喻幻想根本不能实现。spin daydreams / indulge in wishful thinking例句 别白日做梦,在那么短的时间内根本不可能解决这个问题。Dont dream daydreams.Its impossible to settle the problem in such a short time....[继续阅读]
也作“白手成家”。释义在没有基础或很差的条件下创立一番事业。start from scratch / from scratch / rise in life by ones own efforts / build up from nothing例句 很难相信这家大型炼钢厂是几年前才白手起家办起来的。Its hard to believe that this big ...[继续阅读]
释义夫妇共同生活到老。( a married couple) stick to each other to the end of their lives例句 客人们都祝福新婚夫妇白头偕老。All the guests blessed the newly-married couple to stick to each other to the end of their lives....[继续阅读]
释义射中百步之外作为靶子的杨柳树叶。shoot an arrow through a willow leaf a hundred paces away / superior marksmanship / an excellent shooter例句 听说他能百步穿杨,以后叫他专门拿步枪,发挥他的特长!I hear he can hit virtually any target within a hundred steps....[继续阅读]
释义比喻功名、学问或事业成就都很高,但仍继续努力。make still further progress / take one more step forward / keep forging ahead例句 一个人有了一定的成功还应百尺竿头, 更进一步。One should try to make still further progress after having achieved a fair...[继续阅读]
释义无数江河都流入大海。比喻众多分散的事物汇集到一处。all rivers flow to the sea / all things tend in one direction / all streams meet in the sea例句 百川归海, 不可抗拒。It is inevitable that all streams meet in the sea....[继续阅读]
释义多次阅读不感到厌烦。形容文章写得好,耐人寻味。(of a book) not boring even after repeated reading / be never tired of reading [hearing] sth / very interesting例句 他写的书我百读不厌。I am never tired of reading his books.提示 Cf. 百听不厌worth hearing a ...[继续阅读]