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古典诗词名句 共有 100 个词条内容

柴门闻犬吠, 风雪夜归人

    · 句意 ·听见柴门外的狗叫声,原来是有人夜晚顶风冒雪到来了。表达投宿人的惊喜心情。· 英译 ·Hearing the dog barking outside the firewood door,people in the house found that someone who wasbraving the wind and snow was coming.To express that the visitor was pl...[继续阅读]


莫愁前路无知己, 天下谁人不识君

    · 句意 ·别担忧前行的路途上没有知心朋友,普天下有谁不认识你呢?热情鼓励远行的朋友抖擞精神,满怀信心踏上新的征程。· 英译 ·Dont worry about that there isnt an intimate friend on the way. Who doesnt know you in this world? To encourage the friend ...[继续阅读]


忽如一夜春风来, 千树万树梨花开

    · 句意 ·千万棵树木上缀着的雪花,好似一夜春风吹开了无数的梨花一样。描写壮丽的雪景,体现驻守边疆寒冷艰苦的条件。· 英译 ·The snowflake is on the trees, which seems like the spring wind came overnight and bloomed all the flowers.To describe the m...[继续阅读]


会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小

    · 句意 ·一定要登上泰山的最高峰,俯瞰脚下的群山定会感到它们低矮而渺小。站得高,看得远,就能扩大视野,总揽全局。表达了诗人积极进取、昂扬向上的雄心壮志。· 英译 ·When we climb up to the summit of Mountain Tai, well feel that all t...[继续阅读]


随风潜入夜, 润物细无声

    · 句意 ·春雨随着春风在夜里悄悄地落下,无声地滋润着大地万物。抒写诗人对春夜细雨无私奉献品质的喜爱赞美之情。· 英译 ·The spring rain falls down quietly with the wind and irrigates the ground in silence.To express the favor for the silent dedicat...[继续阅读]


此曲只应天上有, 人间能得几回闻

    · 句意 ·这样的曲子应该只是天上才有,人间能听到几次呢? 赞美乐曲的悠扬动听、美妙动人。· 英译 ·This kind of tune can only be found in the heaven. How many times did we hear it on the ground?To appreciate the wonderful music.· 原诗 ·赠花卿   唐...[继续阅读]


读书破万卷, 下笔如有神

    · 句意 ·博览群书,细心体会,下笔写文章就如有神助。说明要想写好文章,就需要博览群书。· 英译 ·If you read extensively, understand and memorize them attentively,you will feel easy in writing a good article just like there is a god helping you.Read more books i...[继续阅读]


无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来

    · 句意 ·无边无际的树叶萧萧落下,滚滚而来的长江奔流不息。描写三峡壮丽的秋景,表达诗人对宇宙变化无穷、人世生生不已的感悟。· 英译 ·Boundless leaves fall down and down. The endless Changjiang River comes on and on.To describe the splendid au...[继续阅读]


为人性僻耽佳句, 语不惊人死不休

    · 句意 ·我喜欢斟酌诗句,如果写不出惊人之语,至死也不肯罢休。表明诗人十分重视诗歌语言的选择和锤炼,在文学创作上精益求精、追求卓越的态度。· 英译 · My hobby is to write great poems. If I can notwrite a sentence that will amaze everyon...[继续阅读]


正是江南好风景, 落花时节又逢君

    · 句意 ·朋友相逢在风景秀丽的江南,只是已到了落花纷纷的晚春。表达了对时代盛衰的感慨和漂泊天涯的苦楚。· 英译 ·Friends meet again in the south region of the Changjiang River, where the scenery is beautiful,but it has been late spring when petals be...[继续阅读]
